今年学徒周的主题是“建设未来”,这就是为什么今年十大靠谱彩票平台送彩金分享学徒的经验, commitment, progression, 并努力发展他们在十大网络彩票平台大全能源公司的未来,以及整个行业的未来.
十大靠谱彩票平台送彩金的大多数学徒在公司里都有很好的职业发展. 你将听到他们是如何决定开始学徒生涯的, what they have learned, and how they progressed at LondonEnergy.
You will also meet some of our current eight apprentices. They are working in IT, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical & Instrumental and Transport department, 在十大靠谱彩票平台送彩金的合作伙伴新城市学院学习期间,从十大靠谱彩票平台送彩金的技术和运营团队获得实用技能和经验, the University of Hertfordshire, and the System Group. 如果你想了解更多十大网络彩票平台大全的学徒计划,请点击 here
Kyran Barker, Head of Engineering
Meet Kyran, our Head of Engineering. Kyran于2004年加入十大网络彩票平台大全能源公司,担任机械维修学徒. Kyran has over 15 years working at our energy plant, where he has held a variety of roles, including Mechanical Technician, Mechanical Engineering Manager and Maintenance Manager.
What do you like about your job?
Some may think I am crazy, 但我喜欢维护一个老化的能源工厂,并必须快速响应安全的解决方案,以减少停机时间.
我一直都知道,我想要一份运用身心技能来解决日常问题的职业. 2003年9月,当我意识到这个机会时,我以承包商的身份开始在现场工作. Engineering is something I had always been interested in and, since working on-site, I took a great interest in the Energy from Waste (EfW) sector.
What opportunities did your apprenticeship provide you?
我不仅获得了NVQ三级和工程维修高级文凭, 在获得管理资格之前,我还在HNC继续深造,比如完成领导和管理高级学徒课程.
How did the apprenticeship help you achieve this?
Since the end of my apprenticeship, 我被提升为以下职位:2008年-机械维修技术员2012年-机械维修主管2017年-机械工程经理2018年-维修经理2021年-工程主管
Go for it! Remain focused and dedicated to achieving your goals; the outcome is a result of the effort you put in.
Nicholas Harrington, E&I Improver
Meet Nicholas from our E&I team. Nicholas Joined LondonEnergy in 2016 as an E&I Apprentice.
What opportunities did your apprenticeship provide you?
十大网络彩票平台大全能源公司的学徒计划让我获得了该行业的实际经验. 此外,在大学学习期间获得收入也是一个巨大的奖励.
Since completing my apprenticeship in 2020, 我继续在十大网络彩票平台大全能源公司工作,以发展我的职业生涯. 现在我已经完成了我的培训,我有很高的薪水,这让我可以在我的个人生活中做更多的事情.
I would tell them to take any apprenticeship they can, 因为实际经验是工作中最有价值的部分. And the sooner you start, the further you will progress.
Taha Attibi, MMD Graduate Apprentice
What do you think the benefits of apprenticeships are?
Are there any challenges that you have had to overcome?
主要的挑战是平衡工作和学习生活,因为两者都很难做到. 我克服的主要挑战是更有效地工作和学习,以创造健康的工作和生活平衡.
How is LondonEnergy supporting you in your apprenticeship?
Jovita Sungailaite , HGV Driver Apprentice
Meet Jovita, from our Transport team. Jovita于2020年12月加入十大网络彩票平台大全能源公司,担任HGV学徒司机.
How did you get into Logistics?
我想学习并持有我喜欢的职业资格证书. Driving big vehicles is my passion. 我认为追求我梦想职业的最好方式就是当学徒.
What is your job like so far?
My apprenticeship is for a year. 我目前正在跟随其他司机学习驾驶理论和危险感知测试, and GCSE English and maths.
What has your apprenticeship meant to you?
学徒生涯使我能够追求我的激情,并开始我的职业生涯. 我是团队中有价值的一员,并且正在成为一名合格的HGV司机,这让我感到安心.
What would you say to someone considering an apprenticeship?
我鼓励任何想当学徒的人都去申请. 这是一种很好的学习方式,同时也是一种谋生的方式.